Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last day in Porto

John on the cable car

On the south bank of the Douro River all the wine cellars of the regions port wine growers are located, they call them wine caves here. Anyway, we finally got around to visiting them today.

We did a tour of the cellars, learnt all about the different types of port, and eventually got to taste some white and some ruby ports. Now we have some little samples to try out on our own time too!

We happened to then bump into a couple from Adelaide that we had met on the UK walk, so had a lovely lunch by the river in the sun.

A ride on the cable car heading back to our hotel, and all up a great last day in Porto.

We have found that as long as you try places that are not total tourist traps, the food can be very tasty and quite different. They know how to cook fish in this town!


  1. Hi Folks
    We think the comments function is now fixed. Comments will not show immediately but I will show them as soon as possible. Sorry for the problems, we would love to hear from you.

  2. Oops! Just realised where another problem may have arisen. When it asks you to ´select profile´ please select anonymous. This seems to work.
