Friday, June 3, 2011

Festival Day Santiago

Festival Day Santiago, Thursday

The town was a very vibrant place today, many locals had a day off because it is a holiday, we are not sure of the reason but were told it is a local festival for the town.

The streets were busy, more than the usual buskers, beggars, uni students and pilgrims. As you can see in one of the photos there was roaming groups of dancers and musicians putting on shows of local traditional dancing and music. Fantastic to watch, they were very energetic.

We visited a fascinating little museum at the San Martino Church, giving an interesting history of a Monastery on the site dating from some 8 or more centuries ago. They had displays of early manuscripts, books and printing, an early farmacia with all sorts of concoctions etc

The main square has been taken over by a peaceful tent protest, as is happening in most large towns and cities across Spain, you may have seen something of this on the local news.

Adding to the crowds is about 400 or so pilgrims arriving onto town each day at this time of year.

The other photo shows part of our delightful tapas and sangria lunch.

John has looked at the blog settings on the computer at our hotel trying to fix the problem with comments, but has been unable to isolate the problem. We would love to hear from you via email or facebook.


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