Tuesday, June 7, 2011


'Eat Street' - Rua Do Franco

This view of our favorite restaurant area from a balcony of the Cathedral Museum. Not as crowded as usual as it's a cool, drizzly Monday.

Our last day in Santiago was spent wandering the streets and museums, taking pinchos and tapas for lunch and just generally sightseeing.

We have certainly gotten to know Santiago much better over the last week, discovering markets and sights we had missed on previous visits.

The highlight of the week was seeing the botafumeiro (a giant incense burner) in full swing during a mass in the Cathedral. This 60kg monster is only used on special occasions or when groups pay for the sight. Quite a sight to see it soaring over the assembled masses.

Pilgrims once slept in the Cathedral and the incense was used to improve the general aroma, as well as it's religious uses.

We look forward to visiting La Caruna tomorrow, before heading back to the UK.


  1. Hello G &J....The image of a 60kg monster swaying over your heads has given me nightmares and grave fears for your safety. Yet another reason for M.O.T.H.( man of the house) not to renew his passport. In the Antipodes, icy fingers have embraced us with a vengeance..leaving a blanket of fffrost over our roof.Bathroom iscold, toilet seat colder. currenrly 3.5C. Miss you both..bring back the sunshine. Mudite

  2. Dear G. & J..have just posted a comment but I think its lost in the great never never. Visions of a 60kg incense burner crashing down on you have affirmed MOTH's decision not to renew his passport. CCCold here..ice on roof. Miss you guys heaps... Take care with the food stuff John..you will need an extra layer of fat to cope with the cold on your return. I'm well. Have developed a poor glucose tolerance and need to restrict carbs and sugars. Love to both of you- Mudite
